Sunday, December 16, 2012

Posted in The Telegraph

Sir Cameron Mackintosh explains the success of Les Miserables

As Les Miserables celebrates its 25th anniversary with a concert at the O2 Arena, Sir Cameron Mackintosh explains the secret of its enduring success.

Would Les Miserables have reached its 25th anniversary without Susan Boyle? Yes. Would it have sold 57 million tickets? Sir Cameron Mackintosh thinks not.
"Until Susan Boyle it was the great score that never had a hit song. How wonderfully ironic that it took someone who was just an ordinary person to give a song a hit life," he says.
Sir Cameron believes that Boyle's choice of I Dreamed A Dream for that Britain's Got Talent audition was the biggest blessing his show could have received.
"Her connection with the material was quite extraordinary. There was something in the lyric and something autobiographical in that song that she released, and she took the public imagination with it – not by trying to have a hit but by trying to get a job and do something with her life. And that's something that no so-called expert can ever understand.
"It was so wonderful, it was completely artless and yet unutterably powerful."
But did she really boost the popularity of the world's longest-running musical to a significant degree? "Oh yes. Of course! She reawakened it in people. The show had been doing pretty well but it definitely jumped up there. This ricocheted around the world and it was the publicity shot anyone would dream of, although of course it would never happen if you tried to make it a publicity stunt.
"It was 'I Dreamed A Dream from Les Mis' and they don't normally mention where a song comes from. Everywhere in the world people went, 'Oh, I know that song, I didn't know it was from there, I'd like to go and see it'."
Boyle or no Boyle, the success of Les Mis is staggering. It has played for 45,000 performances in 42 countries, been translated into 21 languages, including Mauritian Creole, Icelandic, Japanese and Hebrew.
No wonder Sir Cameron has staged a month of celebrations. A revival at London's Barbican – where the show began, as an RSC production – in 1985 – ended on Saturday and today sees a lavish concert at the O2 Arena. The cast included Lea Salonga, who first played Eponine on Broadway; Matt Lucas, the Little Britain star; Nick Jonas, the teen pop sensation; and the Tony Award-winning Alfie Boe.
Why do theatregoers fall in love with Les Mis? "It's all about Victor Hugo's story. Sometimes I think, 'I can't possibly watch more than 10 minutes tonight' and I find myself 45 minutes later completely drawn into it. And it's a story that's entirely contemporary because it's a brilliant observation of human nature."
Sir Cameron is good company. He'll happily sally forth on any topic, from television reality shows like I'd Do Anything ("I used to dream of getting shows plugged on television. Here is the BBC giving the musical theatre a showcase on a Saturday!") to the pointlessness of many university degrees ("it's not the panacea for people getting a job any more, and the creative arts are, actually").
The one blot on the landscape is the ongoing feud with Sir Trevor Nunn, who has accused Sir Cameron of a grand "betrayal" by leaving him out of the 25th anniversary celebrations. Sir Trevor and John Caird directed the original Barbican production and Sir Trevor is furious that he has not been invited back.
With the worst possible timing, Nunn has been appointed as the Cameron Mackintosh Visiting Professor of Contemporary Theatre at St Catherine's College, Oxford. He is due to give his inaugural lecture in two weeks. Sir Cameron has no plans to attend.
I ask if they are back on speaking terms? "No, actually, and given that Trevor Nunn is about to take over the chair this month of my professorship at Oxford, I just think Trevor's been very silly.
"Trevor is entitled to his own opinion, but it's sad. He hasn't actually directed Les Miserables on his own, or at all really, since 1987.
"I sent him a little note saying, 'Don't be so silly. Your memory is as bad as your manners'. But listen, I've got nothing to talk to him about. Trevor sees the world the way he sees it." Won't the two men have to speak to each other at Oxford? "Not necessarily."
His relationship with Andrew Lloyd Webber is in ruder health. "We are friends and rivals. But as we're both in our sixties now we're much more friends than rivals. We've survived in an extraordinary world and the fact that our shows still wanted 25 years after it's amazing. There's nothing for us to be rivals about now.
"Andrew and I have been going on so long now that of course we've gone in and out of fashion. For years everyone said we'd ruined musical comedy because everyone sang through everything. That I've lived long enough for musical theatre to become fashionable is the biggest surprise of my career."
Clearly a man still in love with his job at 64, he believes musical theatre is "remarkably buoyant" and will survive any downturn.
"I suspect people will just be more careful what they spend. For 20 years we've been told by the government and every advert on radio, 'You can have that', but do we need it? Certainly with the Great Crash of the 1930s, entertainment was one of the things that actually did stay reasonably buoyant, because in the end people are not going to pack up and just face the wall. The majority of the country will carry on, if not as usual, then trying to enjoy life as much as they can because that's what we're like as human beings."
Les Mis, along with Cats, The Phantom of the Opera, Oliver! and Mary Poppins, have helped to make Sir Cameron rich. He claims never to read his own press but says the last Rich List estimate of his wealth was "fairly accurate". The figure was £635 million. "But you know, none of these figures means a light unless you want to sell them and if you've got a buyer, and I'm interested in none of it. I don't spend a fortune."
He has "some lovely houses" including a farm in Somerset and an estate in Scotland, but doesn't go mad with his money. "I've taken considerable gambles on shows but they're very considered gambles. I don't like being in debt and I wouldn't borrow money for anything. I try and make every pound I put on the stage look £5. Early on I never had any money to lose, but in those wonderful days before the web and the net I had cheques rather than bank transfers so nobody ever realised how much money I didn't have."
A one-time Labour donor who voted for Tony Blair in 1997, Sir Cameron switched his support to David Cameron and is now scathing about the New Labour project. "At that time I thought it was time to get rid of the Conservatives. Now I'm totally thrilled we've got rid of the Labour people. New Labour, Old Labour, whatever. It was just hard labour. I hate waste and there's no point having new ideas if you don't know how to implement them."
The one Labour figure for whom he does have great affection is Peter Mandelson. "He's just the best fun. He's one of the brightest men you'll ever meet. I don't necessarily agree with all his politics but I think if I had to choose someone to go and spend time with, he'd certainly be very high on my list because he really is a terrific guy."
Next up on Sir Cameron's endless to-do list is a film version of Les Mis, from the people at Working Title, and a new London production called Betty Blue Eyes, based on the farce A Private Function. It is directed by Sir Richard Eyre and opens in April 2011. The film starred a real life pig. Sir Cameron is keeping his porcine star under wraps for now. "Believe me, we're going to make sure Betty is one of the most marvellous stars of the West End stage. Betty's not to be truffled with." And he bursts out laughing.

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