Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Candy Melton Poster - Graysea and SB Picture

Candy is having fun again and it is hilarious!   I am enjoying these posters to see who is on air next.  We need an entire page of fans with Susan.  Thanks, Candy.  Keep up the fun work. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

Susan Boyle and Laura Boyd - River Deep Mountain High

Fun music for a Monday morning:

Do I love this:  my, oh my!!!!
And to let you know, Susan's seven concert sell-out tour dates in Scotland were all highly successful.
highly su

Saturday, July 27, 2013

April 19, 2009 Article by Dr.Susan Corso about SB - in Huff Post Entertainment

Looking back a few years


Dr. Susan Corso

Dr. Susan Corso

Posted April 19, 2009 | 02:11 PM (EST)

Susan Boyle: Kissed by an Angel

I have to take issue with Saturday's New York Times' article headline: Unlikely Singer is YouTube Sensation.
Why the hell is she "unlikely?" 
Because she doesn't look like a star. So? 
Because she's 47? So? 
Because she's an unemployed spinster from Scotland? So?
Susan Boyle isn't an unlikely anything. None of us are.
Instead, she's a human being who's been kissed by an angel -- of song. And by the grace of divine order, we were privileged to receive her gift poured out for all the world to hear last Saturday night on Britain's Got Talent.
By her own report, Miss Boyle has been singing since she was 12. If we do the math, that means she's been holding, thinking of, nurturing and growing her dream for 35 years. She's also been singing during that time -- when she could, where she could, when asked, and probably when not asked as well.
Miss Boyle has sung in her local church for more than three decades, but she didn't pick a church song for her first worldwide venue. (I can't wait to hear her knock "Ave Maria" out of the park!) Instead, she chose a song about dead and dying dreams -- ALL THE WHILE holding out for her own dream of being a professional singer, in her own words, as good as "Elaine Paige."
The conventional wisdom from her first Scottish television interview, from the BBC, and various other sources yammered on about how Miss Boyle is so inspiring because ...
she's an underdog ... 
looks and age don't matter ...
it's never too late ...
she reminds us that we should never give up hope ....
I hold a dissenting opinion.
Susan Boyle is the exact right singer with the exact right song for our exact right time.
Our world is falling apart. Our dreams, if we want to continue in the new world that's forming, must be different. We can't keep the same dreams, in the same forms, doing the same things to make them come true, when the environment for their becoming is drastically changed. We can't. We have to let life kill the dreams we dreamed, and let new dreams surface.
Interestingly, the only other song I found online sung by the angel-kissed Miss Boyle was "Cry Me A River." Originally written for a film set in the 1920s for Ella Fitzgerald to sing, it was tossed out because, according to the song's author, Arthur Hamilton, "no one will believe a Negro knows the word 'plebian.'" I kid you not. I know the song from Streisand's debut album. Miss Boyle sings this depression-era song as though she was born to it. She, too, is one of the plebian, from Latin roots plebius, of the common people vis-à-vis the patrician people.
The Times says, "Miss Boyle's apparently complete lack of formal training fits more purely into the archetypal talent-competition narrative: Unknown From Nowhere Reveals Extraordinary Gift and Stuns World."
Let's take it apart idea by idea, shall we?
Unknown: to whom? She took care of her mother all her life. Her mother knows her. Her church folk know her. Her brother knows her. Now we know her. Unknown, not so much.
From nowhere: please? She told us where she was from, a small collection of quiet villages in Scotland. No one is from nowhere.
Reveals: nope. She didn't reveal it. She received it, cared for it, used it as much as she could in as many venues as possible until that 35-year nourishment program sent her into a venue where she could pour it out, and Miss Boyle stinted nothing. She rained, she poured, she blessed us.
Extraordinary Gift: I'll give you this one. Her gift, and a gift from the angel of song it is, is truly extraordinary.
Stuns World: Well, certainly it stunned the three cynical judges of Britain's Got Talent. Piers Morgan said he gave her performance "the biggest yes in three seasons of the show." Amanda Holden said, "Definitely yes." And the arrogant Simon Cowell took credit for knowing what they were about to see in advance, adding (finally), "three yeses," and letting a tiny flash of his buried enthusiasm for talent peek through his cynicism before the clouds descended again.
Was the world stunned, really? I don't think so. I think instead we were awed, delighted, overjoyed, reminded of who we are, blessed by this generous outpouring of song that was, to quote Amanda Holden again, "the biggest wake-up call ever."
Wake up, rise, let the old dreams die. Keep nourishing the ones that do not go away. We, like Miss Boyle, will live to sing another day.
Visit Susan Corso's website at

Picture of Susan Boyle in Concert (July 2-13-2013) and Song Playlist

Susan Boyle In Concert

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Pictures of Susan in Edinburgh Concert, July 12, 2013

Susan Boyle, Edinburgh, July 12, 2013

Pictures are from wasforgas's concert videos.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Posted on ClydebankPost - SB Travels with Bankies To Lourdes

Bankies travel with Subo to pilgrimage
Published 17 Jul 2013 11:00Print
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A GROUP of pilgrims dreamed a dream when they travelled to Lourdes in the company of a singing sensation.

Staff from the Clydebank branch of Barrhead Travel and around 25 fellow Bankies jetted off to south west France with none other than Susan Boyle in their travelling party.
The trip was designed to give Scottish worshippers a direct link to the famous town nestled in the foothills of the Pyrenees mountains, but with 'Subo' onboard the jet-setting Bankies enjoyed a direct link to a superstar.
The West Lothian woman - who was catapulted to stardom thanks to a series of stunning performances on the hit TV show 'Britain's Got Talent' - proved she's still got her feet firmly on the ground when she happily posed for photos and signed autographs during the week-long trip.
Simon Cowell's best known prodigy even put on an exclusive singing performance during two party nights at the hotel she was staying at with her fellow pilgrims.
Tony Sillars, managing director of the Clydebank travel agent, who organised the jaunt with travel advisor Margaretanne Bishop, had nothing but praise for Subo who helped make the journey an experience they will never forget.
He said: "We had travelled to Lourdes before with a party that included friends of Susan Boyle's and when the word got out that we were planning a trip they got in touch to book tickets, one of which was for Susan herself.
"She was absolutely fantastic during the entire trip and was very friendly and generous with her time. I asked her if she ever gets fed up with all the attention but she told me she will start worrying about it when people stop asking for her autograph, which is a great attitude to have.
"She even sang for us at the hotel. She sang her hit song 'I Dreamed a Dream' and about ten other songs each night which was a real treat for everyone. When I realised Susan would be travelling with us I had no idea what to expect but I can honestly say she is a really lovely lady who gave up so much of her time."
Tony has been to Lourdes many times before and he and his colleague Margaretanne both worked as tour guides in the town for many years before returning to their native Clydebank and Yoker respectively.
They organised the trip at the request of customers and initial fears they had it would not be a success soon proved to be unfounded when tickets sold out in four weeks with almost 100 people from all over Scotland embarking on a British Airways plane chartered especially for the journey.
Tony added: "I was a tour guide in Lourdes for many years, as was Margaretanne. I realised that there was a gap that needed to be filled in order for people to travel to Lourdes from Scotland easily, there is currently no direct service from Glasgow.
"Having spoken to members of the congregation at my local church, I knew that there would be sufficient demand for places, but I had no idea it would be so popular. Word of mouth meant it was full within a month."
Guests, including Subo, enjoyed shopping in Spain, as well as a day at the beach in St Jean de Luz. The group also visited the shrine of Betharram, as well as other well-known local attractions.
Tony is currently planning a further two trips to Lourdes and if the last trip was anything to go by his prayers for another sell-out show look certain to be answered.

This article appeared in Clydebank Post 17 Jul 13
- See more at:

News Photo: British singer Susan Boyle holds a banner with…

British singer Susan Boyle holds a banner with an image of the Virgin Mary as she

 poses for a photograph in a hotel during her pilgrimage to the city of Lourdes,

 on May 21, 2013. 


(Photo credit should read LAURENT DARD/AFP/Getty Images)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

SBFansinternationalinc - Pictures of Jumana Mouradi, A Susan Boyle Creative Artistic Fan

Below are pictures that tell the story of Jumana Mauradi and her drawings, which she placed in a special book and presented the book to Susan Boyle.  And, best of all, Jumana met Susan in person to give her the book.

Susan and Jumana Mouradi , taken at the Fan M&G at The Balbairdie on July 14, 2013. Great photo, Jumana!

Lorraine Campbell (Susan's good friend and traveling companion), Jumana Mouradi , and Sadie Boyle (Susan's Personal Assistant).

A book of her artwork was given to Susan by  Jumana Mouradi

Susan signed the duplicate book that Jumana made for herself!

Jumana Mouradi with Susan's manager, Andy Stephens.