Friday, February 28, 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Susan Boyle - Fascinating Fact: 4083359

An obsessive U.S. fan of Scottish singer Susan Boyle has bombarded 400 American radio stations with complaints that they do not play enough of the star's music. Grace Rooney has received just five replies to her angry messages, with two stations apparently promising to give the singer more airtime.

Tags: Susan Boyle

For anyone who comes here to check out the radio campaign, below is one of  the days that was recorded on this blog, as I emailed my message to the 37 states.  To see all the dates and messages, go to the right column on this page, and under" Blog Archive" click the year pointer before "2012". You will see many posts that were posted as I worked on the radio campaign. Notice the one below dated 12-18-2011. Many fans emailed and tweeted Any Marie and others.

My messages to the radio stations was not an angry message as stated in, it was a "direct request to play Susan's music" message, along with giving them information about Susan Boyle's music. 

The message below is what I sent to radio stations:
Will you please consider playing Susan Boyle's music on your radio program?  Susan is one of the best known musical artist in the world, has been nominated for a Grammy award twice and has millions of fans worldwide, who would like to get some radio air time for her in the US.  
As an ardent fan of Susan Boyle, I am leading a fan group trying to get air play for Susan.   We fans wanted to know why Susan's songs are not being played on the radio in the US, so we have decided to get in touch with as many stations to let them know that Susan has a new CD out (see below).

When you play Susan's music, please let me know and I will be happy to add your station address to my blog.
Give the new CD a try; I am sure you will enjoy it as much as the fans do.  Thank you.
Grace Rooney  
You Have To Be There
Unchained Melody
Enjoy The Silence
Both Sides Now
Lilac Wine
Mad World
Autumn Leaves
This Will Be The Year   (new)
Return    (new)  
Someone To Watch Over Me
Perfect Day
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Don't Dream It's Over
The First Noel
O Holy Night
Away In A Manger
Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace
Auld Lang Syne
O Come All Ye Faithful
Wild Horses
I Dreamed A Dream
Cry Me A River
How Great Thou Art
You'll See 
Daydream Believer
Up To The Mountain
Amazing Grace
Who I Was Born To Be
The End Of The World
Silent Night

See below, one of the radio station's reply that I received as I contacted Texas

34 Texas                             Jan. 28, 2012  emailed to Radio stations below,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Reply received from Info@call, as below

Grace -
The record producer has not seen fit to provide us with a promotional copy from which to play the songs of Susan Boyle.  If you have connections with her label, simply ask them to provide us with all cuts on the CD (#3, as noted by you, below).  Our email address is:
Thanks very much for your encouragement.
- John Barger
Owner & GM
KAHL AM/FM - San Antonio

This is a record of one of the days when we try to contact Sony/Columbia/stations:

Posted 12-18-2011

Thanks retiredgran, Uk, LL, Ida, Teri, Vickie, Judy, everyone taking an interest in this. There was a lot of activity today, which is wonderful. 8 of my tweets were re-tweeted. thumbs up! Teri I saw yours and I re- tweeted. I saw at least 6 messages to Ann Marie. terrific! I also got some new addresses.

Twitter names below





Send a message or two to Ann Marie below
fb page,

I am off to finish NY.


Your message is there. You can see it if you click on most recent. Someone is hiding it, but if you go on just click the most recent and it will bring it up. It is perfect what you posted. You are asking a fair question to the right media person, especially since to the left of your message ( click more) you will see listed Susan Boyle as one of her artists. Susan is the only one not listed on radio stations Playlists Ugh!!!


Here they are again for others to post. Please post a message

Thank you Teri. That would be marvelous to get to the two of them. Go for it! 
I did reply a few message back and I said the big push will start after the first of the year. Those who want to continue on with me, go for it. Just do what you can. Any bit of notice to the PTB will help in the long run. I am going off site as I have many things to do, but I will be back later on. 

BTW don't panic, the terrific messages are on there under (most recent). Keep posting. 

Here they are again for others to post. Please post a message

fb page,

Quote Originally Posted by terijay7 View Post
Thanks-- I will tweet Cowell and also Steve Mac, who for some reason follows me on Twitter - But, my question will be about "Don't Give Up On Me" which is the most radio-friendly song of all she recorded and did not even make the CD!!!!! That is what is to me, the most mysterious thing of all.
Then, I need to start some wrapping.....i have family in Oregon and Washington State that I have to mail packages to by tomorrow, so i have not much time for this - which is why i suggested wait til next week

fb page,



Cokie you found the same rotten egg that I have been finding since I started looking up these radio stations. All the links I have posted, take a look, no Susan. So TPTB are not doing their job. They need to be reminded that fans are watching and working. We want fairplay for Susan. I am using the code #playfair on all my tweets about it, if you want to tweet and add, it would be a help to know others are watching. Thank you Cokie, you have the right idea. We are asking questions WHY IS SHE NOT ON PLAYLISTS AT RADIO STATIONS. WE FANS WANT TO KNOW.

Quote Originally Posted by corkie View Post
I just went through the playlists of a station in Ohio that says they "play anything". They had alphabetical lists of artists to chose from that dated back to the Ronettes, Nat King Cole, Elvis, etc. up to modern day artists. I looked under "B" for Boyle and under "S" for Susan. Nope. Nothing. All those artists and songs to chose from and Susan wasn't among them. So their advertising isn't true, they "play everything except Susan Boyle".


UK WONDERFUL!!! No you are not too quick. Those who want to continue to do something can stay with it, however, it is the holidays and everyone is busy, so we do our big push at the first of the year. By that time I should be through more stations and get a better feel of how things are going. Keep email and tweeting, I will continue to do that. Thanks for being the first.

Quote Originally Posted by UKSusanfanAnn View Post
Just left a message on her facebook page graysea, don't know how long it will stay there!!!!

Ohhh have I been too quick, just seen Nounours' post, sorry

Oh well it seems to have disappeared already hmmmmmm

Corkie, I have already posted my second message on Ann's face book. You would do a grand service to Susan if you would follow and post something, anytime you want. 

As far as this project, I will do what I can each day, but if this isn't noticed by the end of the year. I will push for more to get involved at the first of the year, when all this holiday stuff is out of the way. 

Remember, You are only inquiring or asking a questions. That is all there is to it. I know from past experiences, as Hillary Clinton or someone like her said once, " it takes a village". We are a fandome, right?

Quote Originally Posted by corkie View Post
Okay, you all have convinced me. I'm not a tweeter, but I'm on facebook, so I can post onto Ms. Thomson's facebook page. Grace, let me know when you would like me to post, and what day we'll be doing this. We might be throwing little pebbles at a mighty giant, but eventually maybe someone will get annoyed enough they'll listen.

UK, when you think about it, it really gets you mad. Every list I looked at had all the other singers, but no Susan Boyle. These people are always on twitter pushing their agenda, like Xfactor. They use it that way and they all cover each other, so why not us fans. We are all fans of one beautiful little lady and I, and I know all who have tried to do something, feel the same way. So why can't we push our agenda. The only thing is, through my years of doing things like this, starting way back when my kids were young, I organized groups. That is the only way you will get things done. Otherwise, no one will listen to one person, until that one person brings it to the attention of others. This is not fair play for Susan and we now have the names we need. I hope everyone will get into this. 

Here are the links again

fb page,




Just put our a few tweets. Would like to see some re-tweets. How about it fans?

@AnnMariePR - @SYCO_NEWS Wrote to about 100 radio stations about Susan Boyle's new CD and she is not on their Playlists. No air time? WHY?

I also did 4 others to above 2 each - They need to know what we know. They are in charge for Susan. 

Teri you got that right. We are all busy this time of year and so are the media people. But this is an important issue, as far as I am concerned. Think about it. All the top singing starts on the top of the Billboard list selling CD and their music is being played on radio stations world wide and their names are listed on a Playlist at each station for all the world to see, yet we do not see Susan Boyle's name there. Is this right? Shouldn't we as fans ask the questions? We have freedom of speech in this country. If you can't ask a question on media internet, that these media people use all the time now, then you might as well go hide in a corner. Not me. If the public media people want to Twitter and be on Facebook posting all kinds of things, then they have to expect that they will get some remarks and questions right back at them. Why not? We need to keep after this and now that we have found the media person who represents Susan, then we have to go full force with the questions. No buts about it. I asked everyone, to go at their own pace. What feels comfortable for them. But asking questions in a sincere way and really being behind what you think, is a good thing. I hope you understand the way I feel about this. Susan's name and music not being played and not on a playlists in the stations that I have looked at, is not giving her the same star treatment as the others star. I want to know why. She is the only star I want to hear and follow and she is a worldwide star for many people, she should be heard.

Quote Originally Posted by terijay7 View Post
You have a point Corkie- I personally think this project is valuable, but needs to not come off wrong. I also would suggest after Christmas-- the week before New Year's-- would be much more likely to get folks' attention- MANY people use their vacation days, as the kids are off school, for this coming week .....and many are also busy decorating, picking up relatives at airports, buying food for the holidays, entertaining, 

Anyone who wants to help get susan's music on radio, please join me.

Well, fans - here is my second post to Ms Ann- Media

Ann-Marie, you may not have seen my previous post, but I am still very interested in knowing - Why Susan Boyle's songs/CD are not being played on radio stations and why her name does not show up on their radio station's Playlists. I thought since you are Global Head of Media for Syco Entertainment, you could post something to answer my puzzling questions. Just click on my name and I am sure you can leave me a message or just write here on your Facebook. I will be checking in. Thank you.

IMO - If you really want to get Susan's music on radio stations, this is what we should do.

I really believe that all fans should post on her Facebook site or tweet her. She is the Media person for Susan. It says so on the list of names she has posted.
What trouble. We are asking direct questions. They can answer or they can ignore it. I want to know why Susan's name is not on the Playlist of these radio stations, so I am going to ask the questions in a very polite, open way. That is what Facebook and Twitter do. Let you interact with others out in the open. I see no problem with this. I already notified Andy that I was doing this. I have emailed a number of radio stations asking this. I have called and email Sony/Columbia and did the same. And I have certainly posted here and on my own blogs that I am doing this. I have nothing to hide. If they do, then email me or let me know, as I am. We have a right to ask questions to anyone involved why is Susan Boyle's music/songs not on the radios stations Play lists? I am going to post another message to Ann Marie. Anyone who wants to know, please join me. 


Thank you Marty, we need to concentrate on Ms Ann-Media, Simon's tweeter and facebook person.
Just click on the first link and where it says "type here" give it a go. The questions are in my post. Just cut and paste and use them. Or you can type your own message. I will send another one to her at about noon. I am also going to be doing some tweets. Let's see where this takes us.
Corkie, If you click on the links I have posted most of them show pictures of other artists like Susan or they are playing Xmas music. Also, click on their Playlists or what is being played and you will see NO SUSAN on the lists. This is who I am sending to. The biggest station, to me, are Kiss Stations all over. I try to make sure I pick this off the list.
My next state is New York and here is the list link check it out. I go down the list and click on web sites that say adult contemporary, variety, hot 40s, sometimes jazz, or oldies. I look at the web site if they show stars like Susan or they look active, I will find the contact info and pick the director or promoter. I go all the way down and try to do at least 5 of them. That is how I am doing the states. If anyone want to take on one or two go ahead. Here is the link for NY definitively does take time, but it is worth it to place Susan's name in front of their face. Today we will start the group campaign on Ann Marie. Is anyone in with me?
I am so sorry to be getting on here tonight. I had family matters and parties today. I promise I will be back at it tomorrow. I read the last two pages and I am very happy with the discussion, as we need to take and make a plan of action. I will continued to email radio stations, but we AS A GROUP ALL OF US, need to contact Ann Marie - We need to address her on facebook and/or twitter. We need to do this in shifts starting at the same time which each concerned fan taking a certain time to do it. For instance, starting tomorrow at noon I post on her Facebook, an hour later someone else posts on her facebook, and every hour of the day we need to post almost the same message. So we need 12 volunteers who are dedicated to get this done. I need you to sign up by noon tomorrow. I will start it off with what I have already posted, but add a few more words. Your message should be about the same thing. WHY NO SUSAN BOYLE SONGS ON THE PLAYLISTS AT THE RADIO STATIONS? WHAT IS BEING DONE TO GET HER CD SONGS ON THE RADIO? WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR GETTING SUSAN'S MUSIC PLAYED ON RADIO? We have a name now, so we as a group should find out these answers, even if it takes days. Someone will get a reply and/or someone out there will notice what is going on and do something. Who is in? It is almost 2am here and I got to go to bed. But tomorrow morning I am back at this. Think about it. Susan music is not being played on the radio stations, and we want to know why. Let's find out.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

2014 Plugged In Movie Awards: "Best Movie" Winners

Liked · 42 minutes ago 

We are pleased to announce that The Christmas Candle is the reader's pick for Plugged In's best Christian movie of the year award!

We owe this award to YOU, our fans, thank you and God bless!

2014 Plugged In Movie Awards: "Best Movie" Winners

Steven Isaac

Announcing the winners of the second annual Plugged In Movie Awards!
And the Golden Magnifier goes to ...
Nominees: Black Nativity, The Christmas Candle, Grace Unplugged, Home Run, Not Today
 Plugged In's Pick: Grace Unplugged 
With Christian movies getting a bit better each year, this category was stacked with solid choices … that ultimately coalesced around our final pick. Grace Unplugged is a sweet, spiritually poignant and accessible story of a rebellious teen and her exasperated father. And the big message that we here at Plugged In just couldn't pass by? I'll quote from Paul Asay's review: "Grace Unplugged is also very much a cautionary coming-of-age story—an examination of how sometimes what we most want undermines what we most need. Grace discovers that by following her own heart she arrives in a place that's determined to squash that strong yet sensitive organ. It's only by following God's heart that she finds true happiness and peace and fulfillment."
Readers' Pick: The Christmas Candle This category proved to be a no-holds-barred battle royal among our readers. The veritable avalanche of votes flowed so deep it took intrepid Plugged In designer Kari Andresen nearly a full day to dig her way through them all. For two weeks, avid supporters of Home Run and The Christmas Candle (in particular) voted, voted again and then voted some more. We weeded out multiple votes as best we could, but will note here that they are in some ways a great tribute to the passion inspired by both movies. Christmas Candle ended up burning away the competition, you might say, but Home Run stayed in the running 'til the bottom of the ninth.

Nominees: The Croods, Despicable Me 2, Epic, Escape From Planet Earth, Frozen
 Plugged In's Pick: FrozenThe Plugged In team talked long and hard about handing this honor to DreamWorks' The Croods because of its surprisingly tender take on fatherhood and family. But it was Disney princesses who finally dominated, with Anna and Elsa giving us all an unexpected love story not between a young, doe-eyed couple (though there is that, too), but two sisters who, despite their differences, would do anything for each other.
Readers' Pick: Frozen We weren't the only ones entranced by the icy beauty of Frozen, as it tobogganed away with the readers' crown as well. Our blog and Facebook fans gushed over the animated flick's music, its comedy and the story's unexpected twists.

Nominees: 42, Ender's Game, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Man of Steel, Oz the Great and Powerful

 Plugged In'
s Pick: 42
Yes, the racial waters are rough, and we hear the n-word used repeatedly as this film speaks out against just how racist Major League Baseball—and much of the country—was when Jackie Robinson broke baseball's color barrier. But while our other nominees showcased courageous, self-sacrificing characters, none were more so than the real-life Robinson, who not only overcame hatred and prejudice, but did it with unparalleled class. With this pick, we tip our hat to both the man and the movie that will teach so many more teens about what he accomplished.
Readers' Pick: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire We'd barely opened up the voting when the lamentations began. Where was The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug? Not on our list, though we did give it strong consideration. While it embodied great themes of courage and friendship and good-vs.-evil, we felt that there were other movies that soared even higher in that regard—including your eventual pick. Indeed, Katniss Everdeen overcame this second Hunger Games' inherent violence, winning over readers with her gumption and her film's themes of self-sacrifice for a higher goal.

Nominees: Gravity, Instructions Not Included, Philomena, Saving Mr. Banks, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
 Plugged In's Pick: Saving Mr. Banks It was a dandy year for adults looking for great movies with great messages—and not a great amount of negative content. (Two of our nominees were also nominated for Best Picture Oscars, for the record.) Plugged In, of course, considers a movie's message as well as its art, and we heavily debated both The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (an inspiring story of a man encouraged to live life to the fullest) and Instructions Not Included (a Spanish-language sleeper wherein a man learns how to be a real father). But while it's not "practically perfect in every way" (no mainstream movie is these days), we finally felt compelled to give the final nod toSaving Mr. Banks, another story about the importance of fathers—even if those fathers are flawed. It is both introspective and inspirational, and its fantastic performances don't hurt either.
Readers' Pick: Saving Mr. Banks Plugged In readers loved Walter Mitty. And you thought Gravity was pretty awesome too. But in the end you too threw your tuppence toward Mr. Banks. It kinda makes you want to fly a kite now, doesn't it?