Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Prayers for Nanajean by the Susan fans from SBFII

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Nanajean, a long time SBFII member, has been very ill for the past few months and many have been praying and hoping for a speedy recovery for her.
Recently Nanajean has had a terrible setback and has now entered a Hospice help center, Crossroads:  
Fans continue to pray for her and light candles in support.  Please keep Nanajean in your thoughts and prayers.  Thank you.

From Woody:

Default Rooting for Nanajean

Our much loved "sister", nanajean is shortly to enter hospital for major surgery. I know you will all join me in offering up thoughts, prayers and everything else you can muster - she is going to need it, and we need her back with us "ship-shape and in Bristol fashion", and so do her family. So let's freakin' "have it" for nanajean and give her all our support - Get well soonest, nanajean.

Date 2/2/2014
From Woody

Edit - I have just opened an email from Robyn informing me that nanajeans' pain escalated to the point she could no longer speak or eat and is now in a hospice

I have more to tell you but it is early and I need to dress - more later

Please everybody - light those candles for dear nanajean and keep her in your thoughts.

From lauraj210

Robyn copied me in the email she sent to woody...I have one thing to add -- 

Robyn writes, "She cannot talk anymore because of the pain when she moves her jaw but she woke up for a few minutes and wrote on a sheet of paper that she does not want to lose her will to live. Her goal is to have her pain control stabilized and be able to take in fluid and nutrition so that she can still put life into her days. Hopefully that will happen. The hospice program wants to support the patient and whatever her goals are.

She still has her red knickers on...
Love you, Jean. 

To light a candle for nanjean, click here:


Marie Jean  Poster tribute video below:
Susan Fan
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Praying that God holds you, Nanajean, and your family in the palm of His hand! 

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