Monday, September 8, 2014

Susan at the Balbairdie, Bathgate, during my Scotland Trip, Oct 14, 2012

An instant with Susan at the Balbairdie, Bathgate, during my Scotland Trip, Oct 14, 2012

Not much news, but I found this lovely picture of Susan today on Facebook. I saw her that day in her beautiful black outfit and she looked beautiful.  It brought back a fond memory for me.   

I remember that day, like it was yesterday.  My story about me and Susan at the Balbairdie happened so quickly. It happened like this. After the pictures were taken outside, we all walked back in as a group and as I was going by where Susan was sitting at a booth on the far wall just before going into the dinning room,  I mentioned to Susan, as I was standing there in front of her waiting to get into the room, that I liked her shoes, which were black with heels that were sprinkled with sparkly bits.  She said to me, as she swung up her foot, "you like them, hum".  Of course I said yes! Then I held up my boot shoe next to hers, and told her her feet were tiny, which they were compared to my size. And she laughed and then I had to move on, as there was a group around me waiting to be seated at the M&G in the Balbairdie, Bathgate, Scotland. It was just a moment, but what a moment it was.

Pictures below are of the M&G on Sunday, October 14, 2012 at The Balbairdie Inn in Bathgate, Scotland.  Susan joined us unexpectedly because her flight to the US had been cancelled

Below is my day's activity from my trip log:

Tomorrow is our last full day and we will take the train to Bathgate for the M&G. We go home on Monday.

Sunday, October 14, 2012 - Glasgow/Bathgate, Scotland

Raining in the morning - What's new!
Sun peeking through at noon - Hope has arrived!
Sun out at 1:00 pm - I can't believe it!
Bright sun at 2:00 pm - Yes sir ree!

And glorious SUNSHINE at 3:00 pm
(Susan arrived at the M&G - Absolutely marvelous!)

Well, the day began as usual with a walk up to Weatherspoon for our usual breakfast then back again to get ready for our trip to Bathgate for the Meet and Greet with the fans. Some fans had already gone and others were milling in the lobby, gathering to get the train for Bathgate. At the ticket window, big break for seniors, 7 pounds 20 pence round trip, normally 8 pounds and 40 pence! 

We arrived in Bathgate about 45 minutes later. Some fans had suitcases, as they were staying there for a few days. Diane and I started the walk up the small hill, as the area was very familiar to us. 

We gathered in the bar area of the Balbairdie to chat for a while, discussing the final IDAD show of the evening before. When the room was ready, about 40 of us made our way in. Diane and I went to the side room and sat with Betty and Bill and Donna and Rick. Sadie, Susan’s PA, had arrived and went around the room greeting the fans. The fans like it as they were asking all sorts of things about Susan. 

After a while, an announcement was made that Susan's flight was cancelled and she was heading over to the M&G. What's this, you say! We did not expect Susan to be there, and we were stunned and overjoyed when in comes Susan. As pretty as a picture and as charming as ever. She had on a gorgeous black velour suit, a colorful silky blouse and very pretty black platform shoes, with sparkles on the heels. Very fashionable our super star! A few of the fans who never had time with Susan did get to take a picture with her. And for the fans like me who have seen Susan, we all got in a group picture with her. How great was that!

After the M&G, Diane and I set out to a few stores and then walked back to the train where other fans were waiting. It was a grand time had by all. A memory we will never forget.

Later on that evening a few of us went to the Weatherspoon Pub and had dinner. Finally got back and packed the large suit case that now looks like it is pregnant. I hope its under 50 pounds. Oh well, we leave tomorrow morning for home. This has been another marvelous day, ending a great 16 day adventure. Can't wait to see my kids. 
Guess what, it was raining when we came out. Well, what did you expect.

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