Monday, March 4, 2013

Posted on Susan Boyle's Official Site

A Message From Susan

4th March 2013
A Message From Susan
Well I’ve had a busy week on my first movie set in the Cotswolds and I have to say I’m having the time of my life. Who’d have thought I’d be in a movie? The Christmas Candle is a period film and I am really enjoying dressing up in the Victorian outfits, I rather like having a bustle!
It’s been a real experience and I’m working with wonderful actors and actresses who are pros and I’m learning so much from them as this is all so new to me. The crew are wonderful and incredibly patient with me the novice! Filming is long but an incredibly interesting process and I can say I have been bitten by the acting bug.
There was speculation that I was making a cameo appearance but I have a proper character in the film and acting is a really great experience.
For me a hardy Scot, the cold country weather is practically balmy but even I have had days where I have feet warmers in my boots, a hot water bottle under my costume, long johns and tights in a bid to keep warm. Luckily we’ve been blessed with sun and blue sky which has helped.
I have my own winnebago with my name on the door! I feel like a proper professional actor, let me tell you. The wardrobe has various outfits for my character and I have a very necessary kettle for my cups of tea between scenes. I’m also performing a song for the movie with my on screen husband. He’s been helping me learn the ropes with acting and I’ve been helping him with the singing! It’s a good screen marriage.
On Friday we had the day off so I came down to London to visit the record label and discuss album five. Sorry folks, you’re going to have to keep guessing a wee bit longer. Surprise is good!
Then with an afternoon free I went to Harrods to have a little look around, buy some perfume and a few Easter gifts for family. It’s a wonderful experience browsing round the food halls and so vast that in the couple of hours we were there we didn’t even get off of the ground floor.
After a lovely dinner with my manager and his wife, we then drove back to the Cotswolds ready for filming over the weekend, buoyant and happy from a wonderful day off that was positive and exciting for the future of my singing career.
This will be my last full week on set and although I’m looking forward to returning home I will most definitely miss the wonderful team on The Christmas Candle. It’s been great being a part of the tight knit community, with many a giggle and story shared.
I would definitely like to continue with an acting career alongside my singing career so fingers crossed this debut goes well and who knows maybe Hollywood will come chapping on my door.

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