Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thank you  -  Elaine C. Smith's blog:

Elaine C Smith

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Blog March 2013

Hello again everyone and thanks for coming to the website for news of what I am up to......and to be honest ...i'm not up to much at the moment...... I am more than delighted to say!!!

After 104 perfs as Susan Boyle in I Dreamed a Dream and then 62 as the Wicked Queen in Snow White at HMT in Aberdeen I think I deserve a lie down for a bit.

As many of you are aware there was a strong possibility of the show going to Australia and I was looking forward to going. I became aware of problems when we were told by the Producers there that the whole cast couldn't go and I really didn't want to do the show without them - though I understood the position of the creative trade unions about foreign shows coming in while their own members were out of work and I very much support that point of view. I also understood that the Australian producers did not want any conflict surrounding the production. So I was then persuaded by them to go out with our production team to audition and recast the whole thing for the tour there.

Until 10 days before we were due to set off I was definately going though I realised that it was a risk for all concerned and would also cause much disruption to my personal life -but felt it was worth it for the show and the producers....  I had misgivings about how long I was going to have to be there etc but I viewed it as an adventure. Sadly to my shock and surprise we were told suddenly that all the dates had been postponed. I have to say to all fans who were supporting the show and the 9000 or so folk that had already booked tickets that I am really sorry but also to inform you that the reason it isn't going on there has nothing to do with me at all.....the producers there are in charge and it was their decision.

I did have an amazing time on I Dreamed A Dream with a fantastic cast and amazing production team and crew.I don't think I will ever be able to thank the producer Michael Harrison enough for the investment, encouragement and belief he put into the show. This was two years of writing, changing and developing it and the strain on all of us to get it right was immense. ... We wanted to treat Susan's story with truth and dignity but also to give an accurate portrayal of her life as well as something that would act as a document about life in Scotland using our  common experiences that would resonate with audiences here. This was probably the hardest, most knackering, most rewarding and difficult things I have ever done...well next to giving birth to my daughters!

So, much as I personally have huge disappointment over the situation - I am also relieved that I don't have to travel across the world for almost six months. I  now have time to pause and consider whether I want to continue with the show or whether there is life still in it....I hope so...

The show won the Liverpool Post musical of the Year in December and I am heading down to Manchester for the Manchester Theatre Awards this month as I have been nominated for Best actress in a musical which is so lovely. I don't expect to win - I have never won an award for anything in my career- though I was nominated for a Bafta Scotland award this year for playing Mary Nesbitt (I declined the invite to go as it just felt like 20 years too late and I knew Gregor would win anyway as we were in the same category! Yes thats right...tells you all you need to know about film and telly in Scotland cos we make so few programmes here we don't even have Best Actress and Best Actor...we're all lumped together....bit of a joke really eh?).

Anyway, I am heading to Manchester with my sisters for a girls outing, to shop and party as well as go to the awards and have a laugh.

I am up against one of my heroines in life and a dear pal Sian Philips, who is nominated for her role in the recent production of I genuinely hope she gets it...she is a true star....

I have been lucky in my career that all my rewards have come from a loyal and truly supportive audience who have stayed with me for almost 30 years and who continue to do to all of you I bid a huge thank you for all the love and support that you have given me for so long. I could almost feel the audiences in Scotland during IDAD breath a sight of relief that said " See I tellt you she was good"  as if their faith in me had been I hope it was!

Though I am now enjoying having a break- and I confess that I am feeling quite burnt out- I am enjoying seeing my daughters,sisters,friends and being able to plan holidays with my husband for the first time in years. I have been touring almost continuously for five years or more and to have a social life again feels wonderful. 

Of course that time gets filled up with charity commitments etc., the campaign for a Yes vote in the referendum, after dinner speeches and many other things too.

I am recording a new series of Mum and Me for BBC Radio Scotland. I did the first series last year which I really enjoyed doing...met some quite amazing people with harrowing and uplifting stories and it was so well received that they have decided to do more.

I'm also doing a benefit for St Andrews Hospice in Airdrie( who took such wonderful care of my dad when he was dying) at Airdrie Town Hall on Thursday March 18th. Contact either the town hall or the events team at the Hospice for tickets. 

A few days after that on Sunday 21st of April I am hosting ( along with my wonderful pal Ruth Wishart) a lunch for a truly great friend and great woman Janette de Haan who worked tirelessly for women's rights and against domestic violence and abuse against women and children for more than 25 years. She ran the Women's Support Project in Glasgow and sadly she died from cancer last year . We were all devastated and still are so all the proceeds from Janettes lunch will go to the WSP. It is at Oran Mor and tickets are £40 or tables of ten for £400. I am sure it will be a fab event.
So thats up to date at present- so as you can see I'm not idle!!
All the best
Elaine C.

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