Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Reviewing a 2012 article on the making of the "I Dreamed A Dream" musical.

Reviewing a 2012 article on the making of the "I Dreamed A Dream" musical.
I was fortunate enough to see this fantastic musical and I even got to see and hear Susan sing her signature song at the end of a few shows.  The production and writing of I Dreamed A Dream must have been tremendously exciting for Elaine C. Smith, as it proved to be a terrific "sold out" hit that was enjoyed by many fans who traveled across the ocean just to see the musical.  It is too good a show to see it come to a halt, so quickly!   I Dreamed A Dream needs to be shown worldwide because it is that good.  So sorry it stopped.  I hope we get to see it again some day.  About the article, we can understand now how well Susan coped with her difficult situation all these years.  She has shown to the world her amazing fortitude to live her life and rise above an incorrect diagnosis.  Susan is an inspiration to so many in so many ways: her music and her life.


Elaine C Smith on bringing the story of Susan Boyle to the stage

I smile as I hear the noise from the front of the retrestaurant.f
Photograph: Jamie Simpson
Photograph: Jamie Simpson
Elaine Constance Smith has arrived, her entrance slightly late and, as always, as grand as the MGM. And with the big hellos, hugs and kisses to staff finished (she knows everybody), the actor sashays over, removes a pink designer silk coat and reveals a surprise; not that the coat was in fact bought in a Primrose Hill sale for £68 (or that she was staying with her friend, the Channel 4 journalist Jon Snow, at the time) but here before me is Smith Lite. She's lost two-and-a-half stones.
"I just got fed up being fat," she offers. "I used to eat because I needed a reward. I was an emotional eater. Always needy. And being rebellious, I rejected the health notions. But I watched Oprah one day and realised why I was reaching for the Maltesers. Now I go to zumba and eat carefully. And it works."
She looks great at 54. If Rab C Nesbitt returns for another series, Mary Doll will have to pad up. However, the personality is still extra-large.
Just 30 seconds into the chat, Smith claims this is the first time she's ever appeared in an in-depth Herald feature, claiming she's previously been seen as "too low-brow". Regardless, the lady is indeed Scotland's showbusiness grande dame – her make-up is now done professionally for photo shoots – and has put more bums on seats than a battalion of usherettes.
"It's bloody ridiculous," she says of the perceived slight. "Snooty arts editors with their heads up their cultural arses."
Smith's boldness is refreshing. The great gob in full flow often gets her into trouble (the last time we met she revealed she hadn't gone to see my own theatre play because she'd heard it was misogynistic), but no-one could ever accuse Smith of circumspection.
However, today's chat could perhaps present a challenge to the free-flowing voice. Smith is set to resume her national tour starring in I Dreamed A Dream, the musical based on the life of Britain's Got Talent winner Susan Boyle. And who wouldn't want to front the greatest showbusiness story of the decade – 47 year-old woman with learning difficulties takes five buses to a TV talent show audition, a week later has 15 million hits on YouTube, goes on to sell more albums than Beyonce and bank £25 million?
But here's another story. While I was interviewing a concerned friend of Boyle in her hometown of Blackburn, just as fame broke, they revealed how a younger Susan once entered a miners club talent competition wearing a "gorgeous, long, red silk dress". And she won it. However, while taking her bow, the singer shocked the audience by lifting the dress above her head to show a pair of big pants to the world.
The point? Susan Boyle is a complicated, vulnerable individual. Had she been Smith's sister, would the actor have been accepting of the idea of someone playing her? "When I was asked if I wanted to do it I said, 'No, I don't want to play Susan Boyle,'" says Smith, emphatically.
So why the volte-face? Smith rewinds to when Boyle first became famous. "She mentioned she'd like to see Elaine C Smith play her in any movie. I laughed off the idea. I said no, it will become a Hollywood movie starring Michelle Pfeiffer who'll put on a fat suit and a bad Irish accent and get an Oscar – because Hollywood rewards people who play 'ugly'. And Scots actors just don't get those offers.
"Then Susan saw me on the Paul O'Grady Show, saying I was impersonating her in panto. And she thought the skit was really funny. From there, I got speaking to theatre producer Michael Harrison [who produces Smith's Aberdeen pantos] and he suggested we do the stage show. I still wasn't convinced but my two sisters, Diane and Louise, were pushing me to do it, saying Susan was such a great character to play."
Serendipity intervened. Publishers Random House rang Smith to say Boyle was stuck in Los Angeles and was due to be in Edinburgh to record her audio book. Could she stand in for her? "So I found myself reading her life story before it was published. And I became her voice. But what I found was I began to inhabit her character. You see, half of the story was my own life, brought up in a mining village [Newarthill in Lanarkshire], 20 miles away from her, a Catholic Irish singing tradition, all of that."
Smith became excited by the idea of the stage show. "I said to Michael: 'Wouldn't it be amazing if we did a big opening night show for charity, and Susan came on at the end?'" Meanwhile, Boyle's management recognised they had a singer who couldn't do a full concert but agreed to the nightly cameo role in the theatre show.
The deal done, Boyle herself had to agree. Smith called her up and suggested a cup of tea to talk things over.
"She was really nervous when I called. I think I calmed her a bit by pointing out she'd handled all the pressures really well. And we agreed to meet and I said, 'Where should I come to?' When Susan said she had two houses I said I wanted to come to the posh one, just so I could have a nosey. And she laughed. And I said I wanted a Marks & Spencer biscuit as well and she chortled away.
"Turns out she brought the family to meet me and she had this beautiful piano, which I played a bit, and sang Leaving On A Jet Plane. Susan was too shy to sing with me. But we got on like a house on fire – especially when I told dirty jokes because she's got a real raucous sense of humour. As I left she put her arms around me and said, 'Elaine, I'd be honoured if you would play me on stage.'"
Alan McHugh was brought in to write the script, and it read well, "but needed magic", says Smith. "The night of Susan's 50th birthday party, with Stavros Flatley entertaining, I came home, went to bed and about half three in the morning woke up with an idea for the start of the stage show.
"I had this thought of recreating the Billy Bigelow moment in Carousel, looking down on his life. You see, I reckoned Susan should have a voice. Everyone else had been talking for Subo but I wanted to let her speak. So I sent the opener to Michael Harrison and he said I should work with Alan on the show."
Smith drew upon every theatre experience she'd had over the years, from Wildcat to 7:84, from Shirley Valentine and Little Voice. She played every emotional card possible. And 15 drafts later the show was formed.
"People thought is would be sing-along-a-Susan. But it's not. It's a real story, with music." Smith narrates the story of Boyle's life, with flashes forward to the present. It reveals how she almost died as a child after she was starved of oxygen. Her parents asked the doctor if she'd live. "I wouldn't expect too much," he replied.
"The Susan I create is a blend of me and her and other women I've known. But she's brighter than everyone says she is. She likes to laugh. I let the audience see that side of her. And her innocence. For example, there's never been in a grown-up romance in her life, but we show her first love interest in John, a school pal. Susan's speech is really poignant: 'A boyfriend. I had a bloody boyfriend. Someone who fancied me. And it wasn't a dream. It was real life. And for the first time in my life I felt normal.'"
The play talks about the bullying, about how Boyle lost her father and her sister, and stayed at home with her mother. "When her mum died, Susan told me, she didn't know how to pay a bill. I think she was severely depressed and didn't tell her family. And with the death came the memory of the bullying, plus the weight of learning difficulties."
The play reveals how after Britain's Got Talent, Boyle begins to lose control. But there have been reports that during the run of the musical, Boyle's grip on self-control has slackened again. To the point of the dress-lifting incident? "There has been a couple of nights in the show she's almost done that," says Smith, softly.
But wasn't that always going to be the problem? Wasn't this the reason Smith said she didn't want to play Boyle in the first place, because she recognised fame's spotlight could burn her?
"Her management thought it would be a great experience for her to come into a theatre, watch how a performance is put together, see how an experienced performer could handle an occasion. They figured she would observe and absorb, and perhaps be able to take on the responsibility of a major appearance."
The hope was that by seeing her life played out on the stage, Boyle would gain more self-awareness, more confidence.
"At first she loved the trips to London, the limos, the hotels. She loved watching the show develop."
Then came the first dress rehearsal in Newcastle. "We realised she likes the part of the play building up to the Britain's Got Talent audition, where I'm in gold [audition] dress and grey wig, because it's a laugh for her. But when I walked out in the black wig and dress, as she looks now, she freaked out. 'Oh, I dinnae like that. It's too like me.'
"That first night when I came off at the interval she was red-faced and in tears. She didn't come out of her dressing room for six hours. And she was to come on stage that night. She wouldn't speak to Michael. And when she finally came out she threw me such a look.
"I guess a whole myriad of things were going on in her head. Perhaps as a performer she'd dreamed of being on a stage like this. But then the dream became a reality – like the line in the song: 'For life has killed the dream I dream.'
"Perhaps seeing the death of her father played out, the enormity of it all, she couldn't handle it. Regardless, I was really upset for her, and everyone else was upset for me. And I had just lost my own dad so I could understand the feelings she had.
"But on top of that she had to deal with the headlines such as 'Hairy angel', or the picture of her belly with the headline 'Britain's gut talent' – and one woman writer even wrote a caption around a picture of her foot in her sandals and the need for a pedicure."
During the tour there was an incident in a service station, which was filmed and put on YouTube, but Boyle's management company Syco had it removed in two hours, protecting the star.
"Anyway, we opened on the Tuesday and Susan apologised. Later, her family were in the dressing room crying, but they loved the show and that helped Susan. Meanwhile, I had to focus on telling the story."
Boyle appeared on stage for between one quarter and one third of the performances. Some disappointed audiences asked for their money back when it was known the singer was off the bill.
"It was hard," Smith says of negotiating the situation. "If we didn't put up signs saying she wouldn't be appearing then I'd have to go on at half time and make a speech. And if we did put up signs then I'd get a cold look from Susan."
It's certain Smith, who's very close to Boyle, wouldn't have carried on with the project had the singer's condition not improved. She won't explain, but you'd guess some treatment has taken place, or perhaps Boyle can now place her new world in perspective. But what of Smith? Has the Subo experience made her appreciate her own lot?
"I'd already come to realise what I have is wonderful," she says in upbeat voice. "When I was younger I wanted the cars, the houses, the fame. I needed it. But then I lost my mum, my dad, experienced a lot of grief. Hence the weight gain. But I've come to live by Shirley MacLaine's edict that says: 'Dance while you can.'"
Smith has a stake in the show (a critical hit that's being compared to Blood Brothers) but it's been massively expensive to produce, and will need to run for some time to cover its cost. "I haven't taken anything, other than weekly expenses," says the actor. But that could change. There's an Australian tour being lined up for four months next year, and Cameron Mackintosh is interested in taking the show into the West End. Word is the Canadians aren't so keen, unless Subo is on stage, but the show could well play on Broadway.
Smith points out that Boyle may still sing in Scotland. "She said to me last week, 'Can I still come to Glasgow?' I said, 'Of course you can. Just turn up and sing. But let us know.' And I can't imagine she won't want to take the stage in Glasgow or Edinburgh. I hope she does. When she does go on it's like the Pope appearing."
The Susan Boyle movie "may yet happen". Meanwhile, the sluice gates on the Smith voice open completely again as she reveals her own production company has made a new documentary, Searching For Subo, to be shown on STV.
"We went to BBC Scotland and offered them this film of the stage show experience. Unbelievably, they passed on it because we couldn't guarantee access to Susan. But STV snapped it up. They reckoned it was a no-brainer."
She adds, "What I've learned in life is that if I sat waiting for BBC Scotland to offer me a show, or the National Theatre of Scotland to give me an audition, I'd be an old wummin. Forget it. You've got to make things happen yourself. And that's exactly what I'm doing."
Does that mean she'll be making a Mary Doll exercise video? "It could well happen," she says, grinning. "Wait and see." n
I Dreamed A Dream is at Festival Theatre, Edinburgh, September 21-29, and the King's Theatre, Glasgow, October 1-13.
Click on link for article:

Susan Boyle exclusive interview backstage at Kings Theatre Glasgow

Down memory lane:   Susan's interview at Kings Theater Glasgow - 

Published on Jul 10, 2013
Laura Boyd caught up with Susan Boyle backstage at the Kings Theatre Glasgow after her solo concert. Susan chatted about her childhood love of The Sound of Music, how her dad would be proud of her, Simon Cowell, Andy Murray and T in the Park.

Follow our entertainment reporter Laura Boyd on Twitter:

Susan Boyle ~ "I Can Only Imagine" ~ on new album "Hope" (PTL 8 Oct 14)

Monday, December 29, 2014

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Susan Boyle sings "Oh Happy Day" on her new CD HOPE.

Susan Boyle sings "Oh Happy Day" on her new CD HOPE. It is fantastic! I love it!  You will too when you hear it on your copy of Hope. The minute I heard that song, my reaction was tapping my toes, singing along and wanting to dance. I love the way Susan sings it. Every time I heard it at the concerts I attended or anywhere else, my reaction was and is always the same. I want to tap my toes, sing along and dance. I guess others feel the same way too. Everyone knows I love all of Susan's albums and every song she sings, and will ever sing. Susan's new CD Hope is fantastic, as are all the rest of her CDs. Her six CDs below are outstanding!

Please take a moment and watch this spontaneous, unrehearsed, spur of the moment response to Oh, Happy Day! 

Highlight the link, then right click the highlighted link:

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas to all my blog visitors. 

Wishing you a great day! Thank you for visiting!

A Message from Susan:

Cover Photo


I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas Day with your loved ones.
It has been a festive time here in Scotland and I have had a great time with my friends and family. We've all been spoilt with gifts, eaten far too much and played some hilarious games. The laughter and happiness is truly the best thing about Christmas and being with those that you love.
I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 
Thank you so much for all your support and friendship over the past year and I am looking forward to what 2015 brings.
Merry Christmas to you all.

Susan x

Monday, December 22, 2014

Five Minutes With Susan Boyle

Posted in the Midlothian Advertiser

Five Minutes With Susan Boyle

Susan Boyle
Susan Boyle

Congratulations on the new album, Hope. Tell us a bit about it.

Thank you. My album this year is actually themed on inspiration with a good mix of musical genres! I’ve included some great tracks on the album and I’m thrilled to be covering a Pink Floyd number. We’ve also got a little gospel number on there this year. I’m incredibly proud of this album.

Are you still having fun?

I’m having the time of my life – it’s brilliant! I really do have the best job in the world – but I can’t quite believe where the past five years have gone.

You recently toured America for the first time – how did that go?

It really was great. I had the most amazing reception. We did 21 shows around the US, travelled in the tour bus and saw some great cities and wonderful people. The American audiences are so supportive.

How does it feel when you think about how far you’ve come. Does Britain’s Got Talent seem a long time ago now?

In one respect, it seems like ages ago and, on the other hand, it feels like it was yesterday. I have achieved more in the past five years than I could ever have imagined.
Six albums in five years, travelled the world and ticked more off my bucket list than I could have thought possible. I’m so very lucky and I pinch myself everyday.

You came into the industry quite late, but did you always know you wanted to sing?

I think coming into the industry at my time of life was the best time. I broke the mould, so to speak. I’ve been singing since I was a young girl and I promised my mother before she died that I would make something of my life. So I auditioned for

Last year you announced you have Asperger’s Syndrome. Do you have to be an inspiration to others living with it?

I don’t see my Asperger’s as a disability – I see it as an opportunity for people to understand and stop pre-judging. I hope that the awareness created will help other people to see that just because you have a diagnosis, it doesn’t need to limit your opportunities in life.

You famously are one of the more grounded celebrities to come out of the UK, insisting you won’t sell the council house you grew up in. But what’s the most extravagant thing you’ve allowed yourself to splash out on?

My family home I bought, and I recently bought the house next door, as well as the “Posh House” which really isn’t that posh. I won’t ever move out of the area, why would I? I have great friends and family there and lovely neighbours and I’m part of the community that I grew up in.

HOPE - CD #6

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Thank you, Max Lucado, for The Christmas Candle movie

Thank you, Max Lucado, for The Christmas Candle movie, 
a very wonderful and enjoyable Christmas Classic. 
Susan Boyle is amazing as Eleanor Hopewell!
Much appreciation for the DVD this year.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


It is amazing what Susan has accomplished with all that has happened to her. 
This documentary gives you a look at the essence of Susan Boyle. 
Since this documentary was made, 
Susan learned that she has Asperger, ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Today, Susan has come a long way to be the international star she was meant to be.

Susan Boyle Confesses Asperger's Syndrome Makes Her Feel Like 'King Kong's Mother'

Susan Boyle Confesses Asperger's Syndrome Makes Her Feel Like 'King Kong's Mother'
Susan Boyle
11/15/2014 AT 02:45 PM EST
On stage she feels "safe," but it's life out of the spotlight that's difficult for Susan Boyle

Boyle's been described as eccentric all her life, but last year she was finally able to put a more precise label on the reasons for her volatile behavior: Asperger's. The singer was diagnosed with a mild form of autism in December 2013, but her mood swings – including unpredictable tantrums preceded by a "hooded look" like clouds descending over her face – are still very much a work in progress. 

The unlikely star, whose 2009 audition for Britain's Got Talentbrought her international fame, admits that because of her condition, she's "the only artist who needs a leash! I'm King Kong's mother!" 

In an interview with Britain's Daily Mail, Boyle, 53, acknowledges, "Off stage, [my bad behavior] happens lots. It always has. But I'm getting better at dealing with it because I know what it is. If I feel I'm going to take a mood swing, I get up and leave." Boyle says that the tantrums stem from "a sense of panic, not wanting to be there." 

"I get depressed," she explains. "I just go away, be myself. Then I come back to you. I always come back." 

Performing remains Boyle's safest haven. "It never happens on stage," she notes. "It seems to make me feel better … When I'm up on stage, even if I've had a bad day, I can become a different person. I feel safe." In the footlights, she says, "I don't feel judged up there. I feel accepted." 

Boyle, who just wrapped up a U.S. tour, hopes she can bring some of the peace she feels on stage to her everyday life, but admits it's a process. "I like to see myself as someone with a problem, but one I can solve," she says. "It is definitely getting better. Since the diagnosis I've learned strategies for coping with it, and the best one is always to just walk away." 

The Grammy nominee, who has sold more than 19 million albums worldwide, also wants to use her unique position as an educational opportunity. "I want people to see how it is, to see that you shouldn't judge." She adds, "People with Asperger's do put a barrier up because they don't know how to trust people. I try not to. I want to let people in." 


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Susan Boyle - "Oh Happy Day"

Susan Boyle spotted at Houston Airport - Oct. 19, 2014 

 KANSAS CITY Missouri Oct 23, 2014
Susan Boyle out & about at the Dubliner Irish Pub in Kansas City MO 

On Susan Boyle's new CD "HOPE" - Oh Happy Day!
Poster by Canadian Bill

Friday, December 12, 2014

SUSAN BOYLE 2009-2015 (Visual Documentary)

Susan has earned and received world praise by so many about her fantastic achievements through the past five years. People now know Susan not only for her fabulous voice, but also for all she has done for the good of mankind, all the charity work she does daily and all the global work showing her efforts to support people in need everywhere.  Susan inspires people and encourages others by her own deeds. Susan is one special, caring and thoughtful lady, who not only has tremendous talent, but also has a giving soul that shines bright by her actions. She does it all naturally. That is why so many, like me, love her dearly. Sail on Susan Boyle, because we are on board forever! 

Excellent video, Tommy!  Please take the time to read Tommy's words.  They so describe the feelings felt by many Susan Boyle fans.
Published on Dec 10, 2014
A mini-visual documentary of the journey of Scottish sensation, Susan Boyle. From April 2009 .....
Fan tribute by TommyUSA
Visit us at The Amazing Susan Boyle Fansite
Creator/Admin: TommyUSA

Thank you, TommyUSA!

Susan Boyle 'Home For Christmas' PRE-ORDER NOW

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Fox Searchlight movie of her life in the works by Canadian Bill

In 'The Telegraph' interview with Susan out today, she said something worth noting re the Fox Searchlight movie of her life in the works. Susan said THERE IS A SCRIPT! This is new, and a big deal, one of the biggest hurdles to cross pre-production. So - got me thinking about a movie poster - who knows what the real poster will look like, but here's mine - all I really want is A GREAT MOVIE of course! The title is the first words the world heard her speak...

Susan Boyle 'Hope' - Out Now

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Support Grows For World Summer Games In Bath


Support Grows For World Summer Games In Bath

A local politician is pushing for Bath to be in contention to host a future Special Olympics World Summer Games, following the Special Olympics last Summer and recent Polar Plunge event.
Steve was a volunteer at the successful Special Olympics GB games in Bath last summer, where his role iThe Special Olympics is an international charity which uses sport to improve the lives of people with intellectual disabilities.
It has local clubs providing regular sporting opportunities for people of all ages, including a new group that has just been established in Bath and North East Somerset.
Every four years the Special Olympics runs the UK National Games; Bath very successfully hosted the Games in Summer 2013. 
That event saw 1,700 athletes compete across 12 sports and the winners from the GB Summer Games go forward to represent their country in the World Games, also held every four years.
The last was held in Athens in 2011 and attracted 6,000 athletes from 170 countries, and the next World Games will take place in Los Angeles in 2015, then Guadalajara, Mexico, in 2019.
Steve Bradley is the Liberal Democrat prospective MP to replace Don Foster when he retires next year.ncluded looking after VIP Susan Boyle.
This year he was involved in the organizing committee for the Polar Plunge fundraising event held at the University of Bath on Saturday.
It saw over 200 people, many in fancy dress, plunge into 200 tonnes of ice cold water. All to raise funds to help Special Olympics GB nurture the talents of its athletes and develop a new sports club for children and adults with intellectual disabilities here in Bath.
Many well-known sporting faces supported the Polar Plunge on Saturday, including Olympic Swimmer Sharron Davies, sprinter Jason Gardener and modern pentathlete Heather Fell.
The hundreds of polar plungers who braved the cold have already raised in excess of £5,000, with more sponsorship still coming in. Steve Bradley was one of the Plungers on the day, and he has ambitious new plans for taking the Special Olympics’ connection with Bath to the next level.
Steve explained:  “When the Special Olympics came to Bath last year I saw first hand how impressive an event it is, and also how much it means to the athletes and their families.
“Bath has already shown a real commitment to the Special Olympics, and is developing a strong affinity with the charity.
“We all know that our city constantly punches well above its weight, so I think we should be ambitious and seek to bring the World Games to the UK, and specifically to Bath and Bristol, in 2023. 
“It’s a proposal that needs a lot of work to make it happen, so I’m getting the ball rolling on it now.”
The University of Bath has some of the best sports facilities in the country, whilst the newly developed Odd Down Playing Fields contains excellent facilities for football, rugby, running and cycling.
With Bath Leisure Centre due for major investment shortly, and a decision pending on improvements by Bath Rugby to The Recreation Ground, the city’s sports facilities look set to improve even further in the coming years.
Steve continued: “In 2003, Dublin became the first city outside the United States to host the Special Olympics World Summer Games.
“It was a huge success, and really increased awareness of the Special Olympics throughout Ireland. The UK has never hosted the World Games, and it would really help boost the profile and prestige of people with learning difficulties here and show how sport has the power to enrich their lives.
“Just think of how the 2012 Paralympic Games in London challenged views about physical disability. Bath and Bristol already have excellent sporting facilities, and with nine years to plan for this major international event I have no doubt that we could very successfully host the 2023 Special Olympics World Summer Games.
“That’s why I’m approaching Council colleagues and Special Olympics GB now to take this idea forward.”
Article on link: