Monday, December 8, 2014

Review of my unexpected meeting with Susan Boyle

Susan Boyle at the Stockyards Station with Graysea

A Delightful Unexpected Meeting with Susan Boyle at the
Stockyards Station, Fort Worth, Texas, Oct. 20, 2014 

Monday, Oct. 20, 2014

Monday was the date of Susan Boyle's Bass Hall concert in Fort Worth Texas. 

After our big breakfast at home, my nieces Cheryl, Lori, Kathy and I planned 
to leave early for the concert to do a little sightseeing and get a late lunch in 
the Stockyards historical district and catch the cattle run at 4:00 pm. After 
that, we would head over to the Bass Hall concert area to get a bite before 
the 8:00 pm show. Joe, Cheryl's husband, would meet us there.

After our 30 minute drive from Dallas, we started out at a beautiful flower

 garden/ water park and strolled around for some time. Then we headed to
 the Stockyard area to have lunch. We found a typical cowboy saloon type
 of restaurant, full of western relics and had a wonderful lunch. Then we
 went shopping, of course. After a few stores, we headed to the cattle drive 
area, a couple of blocks over, to see the cattle come through the town at 
4 pm. Authentic Fort Worth cowboys drive the herd down Exchange Avenue.
 "Head 'em up and move 'em out". The cattle drive took all of about 15 minutes.

After that we headed to the car. As I crossed the street to the car, I was 

shocked to see before me, Susan Boyle, about to get on a great big longhorn 
bull and she had on very high heel shoes. What a sight to behold! Who ever
 thought that this wee little lady from Blackburn, a worldwide super star, 
who would be singing to over 2000 people in a few hours, would be out and
 about, climbing on a great big longhorn animal. Wow!!!

After my OMG, ooos, arrrs and shock, I finally calmed down to get some

 pictures. Nicola, Susan’s publicist, came up beside me to get pictures of
Susan, as well as my nieces. After Susan's "ride", Susan's PA, Lorraine, 
took a turn. Everyone was having so much fun. As Susan walked past us, 
I said hi with a few words and she answered and continued on.

My niece Lori reminded me of the special gift I had made for Susan and 

suggested it would be a good time to give it to her. Then my niece Cheryl 
got the gift out of the car and gave it to me. Susan was just starting to walk 
up the sidewalk, when I went over to her and gave her the gift. I started to
 talk with her when I gave her the gift. Susan and I talked for almost three
minutes. I don’t know why I was so nervous and excited, but I was. 
My niece Lori, got it all on video. What a great surprise! 

I also got two hugs from Susan and a delightful conversation. I was on a 

cloud the entire day. My conversation with Susan was the longest and the
 best out of all seven times I met her. I told her I was there with my nieces 
and nephew. I introduce her to my nieces. I also, finally got to ask her if she
 saw any of my 4 blogs, and if she liked them. She said she did. Was I happy 
to hear that! Susan said that Nicola shows them to her and she likes them.
She asked if we were going to the concert, so I replied yes. Then she said I
 would like it and it was a good concert. And I said, I know it will be good 
because everything you do is good. Then we parted with a hug and she went 
over to the bench to sit with a lady who came with her.

What a fantastic moment that was for me! So excited and floating on air and 

the concert didn't even start at that time. For the rest of the day, I think I could 
have flown without a plane - on cloud nine, for sure.

Friday, October 24, 2014

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