Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Support Grows For World Summer Games In Bath


Support Grows For World Summer Games In Bath

A local politician is pushing for Bath to be in contention to host a future Special Olympics World Summer Games, following the Special Olympics last Summer and recent Polar Plunge event.
Steve was a volunteer at the successful Special Olympics GB games in Bath last summer, where his role iThe Special Olympics is an international charity which uses sport to improve the lives of people with intellectual disabilities.
It has local clubs providing regular sporting opportunities for people of all ages, including a new group that has just been established in Bath and North East Somerset.
Every four years the Special Olympics runs the UK National Games; Bath very successfully hosted the Games in Summer 2013. 
That event saw 1,700 athletes compete across 12 sports and the winners from the GB Summer Games go forward to represent their country in the World Games, also held every four years.
The last was held in Athens in 2011 and attracted 6,000 athletes from 170 countries, and the next World Games will take place in Los Angeles in 2015, then Guadalajara, Mexico, in 2019.
Steve Bradley is the Liberal Democrat prospective MP to replace Don Foster when he retires next year.ncluded looking after VIP Susan Boyle.
This year he was involved in the organizing committee for the Polar Plunge fundraising event held at the University of Bath on Saturday.
It saw over 200 people, many in fancy dress, plunge into 200 tonnes of ice cold water. All to raise funds to help Special Olympics GB nurture the talents of its athletes and develop a new sports club for children and adults with intellectual disabilities here in Bath.
Many well-known sporting faces supported the Polar Plunge on Saturday, including Olympic Swimmer Sharron Davies, sprinter Jason Gardener and modern pentathlete Heather Fell.
The hundreds of polar plungers who braved the cold have already raised in excess of £5,000, with more sponsorship still coming in. Steve Bradley was one of the Plungers on the day, and he has ambitious new plans for taking the Special Olympics’ connection with Bath to the next level.
Steve explained:  “When the Special Olympics came to Bath last year I saw first hand how impressive an event it is, and also how much it means to the athletes and their families.
“Bath has already shown a real commitment to the Special Olympics, and is developing a strong affinity with the charity.
“We all know that our city constantly punches well above its weight, so I think we should be ambitious and seek to bring the World Games to the UK, and specifically to Bath and Bristol, in 2023. 
“It’s a proposal that needs a lot of work to make it happen, so I’m getting the ball rolling on it now.”
The University of Bath has some of the best sports facilities in the country, whilst the newly developed Odd Down Playing Fields contains excellent facilities for football, rugby, running and cycling.
With Bath Leisure Centre due for major investment shortly, and a decision pending on improvements by Bath Rugby to The Recreation Ground, the city’s sports facilities look set to improve even further in the coming years.
Steve continued: “In 2003, Dublin became the first city outside the United States to host the Special Olympics World Summer Games.
“It was a huge success, and really increased awareness of the Special Olympics throughout Ireland. The UK has never hosted the World Games, and it would really help boost the profile and prestige of people with learning difficulties here and show how sport has the power to enrich their lives.
“Just think of how the 2012 Paralympic Games in London challenged views about physical disability. Bath and Bristol already have excellent sporting facilities, and with nine years to plan for this major international event I have no doubt that we could very successfully host the 2023 Special Olympics World Summer Games.
“That’s why I’m approaching Council colleagues and Special Olympics GB now to take this idea forward.”
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