Sunday, April 27, 2014

Review of 2 JULY 2013 news - Susan Boyle’s secret sporting passions


Susan Boyle’s secret sporting passions

Singer is a fan of a huge range of sports and hopes to attend the Commonwealth games.
HOW does a worldwide superstar like to unwind?
Well, in the case of Susan Boyle, she loves nothing more than watching tennis at her home in Blackburn, West Lothian.
The singer’s love of football — and in particular, Celtic — is renowned. But her passion for a range of other sports was unknown, until now.
“I enjoy watching swimming and athletics,” she revealed in an interview with The Sunday Post. I might even go along and catch some of the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow next year.
“I’m also going down to Bath next month for the Special Olympics GB National Summer Games, where I’ve been asked to sing at the opening ceremony. I’m really looking forward to that.
“But I’m actually a big tennis fan.
“It’s a sport I’ve always enjoyed watching, not just at Wimbledon but all year round.
“I find it really relaxing, although Andy Murray can sometimes make it tough to watch!”
Susan has been following the Dunblane hotshot’s progress as he bids for Wimbledon glory, but whether he wins or loses this afternoon, she thinks he’s fantastic.
“Regardless of what happens he’s already a national hero.
“He’s a great talent and I’ll be tuning in to watch him, as always.
“I wish Andy all the best and hope he wins.”
Susan will be able to empathise with Murray, long regarded as an underdog against Federer, Nadal and Djokovic. The 52-year-old is the very epitome of an underdog success story. It seems more than just four years since Susan Boyle became an overnight global sensation thanks to that fairytale Britain’s Got Talent audition, which was viewed by millions and ensured she would become reality television’s biggest-ever name. Life since then has been a massive dream come true, with Susan checking off one ambition after another.
Yet she’s remained incredibly grounded, still living in her ex-council house with her cat, Pebbles, and employing old pal Sadie as her PA. Susan’s in the midst of ticking off something else on that to-do list — and you get the impression from talking to her that this one means more than the rest. She’s currently on her first live tour, playing dates in theatres around Scotland (Pebbles is currently being cat-sat by a friend.)
Although Susan had previously sung short sets on the Britain’s Got Talent live tour and I Dreamed a Dream, the musical based on her life story, prior to last Tuesday in Inverness she had never performed a full concert and there were plenty of critics who questioned if she had it in her.
But with a 26-song set list lasting more than two hours, she’s proved the doubters wrong again. As well as the Inverness show, she has also played sold-out theatres in Aberdeen and was in Dundee last night, before moving on to Glasgow and Edinburgh this week, where she’ll play two shows in each city.
“I’m really enjoying the live shows and it gives me the chance to play a variety of songs,” she continued. The theatres have been wonderful to perform in.
“It’s a gradual build-up — I didn’t want to just go straight into too big a venue, which might have been daunting. I think this is the right way to do it.”
With more than 19 million album sales from her four albums, Susan (don’t call her SuBo, she says it makes her sound like a Brazilian footballer) has devoted fans willing to spend a small fortune to come to her homeland to see her perform.
One group of super-fans from the States will attend every show on the tour, such is their devotion.
“I have fans coming from America, Canada, all over in fact, and I find it very humbling,” said Susan, who revealed she is keeping her voice in shape on tour by drinking honey and lemon and trying to stay quiet while off-stage.
“I would love to sing in places like Australia, America and Hong Kong. I definitely want to play more concerts.
“I’d like to go to Vegas, do a residency, and stay there for a wee while. I think it would be really enjoyable and I remember how much I enjoyed my last visit when I performed with Donnie Osmond.”
In the meantime, are those gigs in Glasgow and Edinburgh — two cities that mean so much to her.
Glasgow, of course, is where she was discovered by BGT, while Edinburgh is the city closest to home.
“I’m looking forward to playing both places. I expect the crowds will be really friendly — they certainly have been so far and I feel lucky about that.
“I’ve got friends and family coming to the Edinburgh shows. In fact, there’s a busload coming from Blackburn!
“I don’t know if seeing so many familiar faces in the crowd will be relaxing or make me nervous — I probably won’t be able to tell until I’m out there on the night.”
Susan has a busy second half of the year coming up.
“I’ve just completed my fifth record, which will be a Christmas album.
“We recorded it in Gorbals Sound Studio in Glasgow, which is a great place. I like going to London but it’s nice to work on home ground, too.
“I can’t say any more about it just now because it’s wrapped in secrecy!” she laughed.
“And then in November my first film, Christmas Candle, is coming out. I’m really excited about that.
“It was great fun to make and it was brilliant meeting people like James Cosmo and Sylvester McCoy.
“I’d like to do more acting in the future, but it will always be secondary to music.
“And, finally, I definitely plan on doing more live work. I’ve enjoyed it so much and it’s what I want to do more of.”
With her track record so far, few would bet against Susan making a success of whatever she turns her hand to — including tennis!
Sundaypost report on link below:

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