Thursday, January 12, 2012


Teri , blonde or no blonde, busy or not, Ann Marie is the head of Syco media and she lists Susan as one of her stars. I know she is busy with Simon, because I see her always on Twitter for XFactor. Being the head, she must have a huge list of departments in her charge. One department must be to get the stars music on radio stations, etc... There are many people employed there. Syco needs to hear about this issue from Susan's fans, no matter how they hear it or like it. We, me, I want to know why Susan is not on the Playlists at radio stations. I want to know why her music isn't being played on the radios across the country. We are Susan's fans. It is Susan's interest I care about. I could care less about Ann-Marie or Simon as a matter of fact. I don't listen to them sing every day. I am not looking for them on the computer everyday. I am not running to the post office mailing cards and letters to them. I am not going to fan meeting for them. I care for Susan. I want her to continue, because I want to be able see and hear her sing. Do you have any family or friends that say, "What ever happen to that talent show lady, you liked" It is probably because they never hear her music. Yes, they see her on TV once in awhile, but she is not being heard on the air waves. I could go on and on about this. Susan's music not being played on the radio is absolutely not right in my book. People should have the opportunity to hear her sing.

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