Thursday, January 12, 2012

Posted 12-21-2011

 am convinced that it is the responsibility of the stars recording company to get their star's music out there for the people to hear. It is important to promote the star in every way. That includes TV performances in as many countries as possible and albums in as many stores as possible, as well as radio and advertisement. Anything to sell the CD. The details are probably written into any contract of a big star. I just can't imagine a star not wanting their music everywhere. 

Just think of what would happen if the big guys like "Sony", "Syco", "Columbia" called upon the radios stations. Just think of what would happen if Susan's media person, Global Head of Media for Syco Entertainment went calling on these stations to put Susan on the Playlist, do you think they would? You bet they would, no buts about it. How fast would we hear her music on radio. Why hasn't this happened, as it has for other stars on their roisters. As a fan, and after working on this project for almost a month and seeing one Playlist after the other with no mention of Susan, I would like to know why and who is responsible for it.

Marty, You know I never paid attention to radio, because most of us are playing her CD's over and over again and do not listen to radio. But on the other hand, I have family who do listen to the radio, at work, in the cars, in the stores, in the doctors office, etc. So why can't these listeners have the privilege of hearing Susan's voice and why can't Susan have the enjoyment of knowing her music is played on radios the world over. What is wrong with playing a song like "Lilac Wine" on a adult contemporary or top 40's station. Or a song like "Return", why can't this be played on a military station or adult contemporary station. Mad World could be played on most every kind of station. You get the idea. TPTB should know that we fans expect them to promote Susan's CD in every way possible. I believe Susan would love to hear her music on the radio. 

PT, thanks for your input, but are you aware that hundreds of stations do not have Susan on their Playlist and there is no mention of her at all. I have seen Babara S and Tony B on the Top 40's lists and no Susan. Susan is on the same Billboard list as they are, and in some cases, has lead the way for them all. There is no excuse for the radio stations not playing Susan's music. It is going on to three years now and Susan certainly has proven her self in the music department. I received a message from a Radio Director and he said that 98% of radio promotion should be coming from her recording company. I do not see this happening. A few stations are playing a few holiday songs. The majority of radio stations are not playing anything she is singing. IMO, something is wrong. We have a media lady, Ann Marie Thomson, who lists Susan as one of her artist. If she is the Media person for Sony/Syco/Simon I believe she should be promoting Susan. I see her other artist on the Playlists of these radios station, but I do not see Susan listed with these other artist. Why?????, is my question. Something is wrong and we fans should be shouting out for Susan. It does not matter what the length of the message is, as long as you get it over to the radio station. If everyone sent just one email, the radio stations might listen. If a radio station got lots of emails, then I am sure they will listen. A big corp. radio station like "Kiss" is all over the world and truly should be playing Susan's music. IMO, Susan is just as big a star as the singers singing out there. She has millions of fans the world over. We, her fans, should not be putting her in a cubby hole, saying her singing is geared to older folks, its not what the kids want, it is not our preference. Someone out there is buying her CDs, and I am sure some of us listen to the radio sometime. So any kind of message that get out there, is OK in my book. And PT, if you are in touch with Andy or TPTB, could you find out why radio stations are not playing Susan music, and who is responsible for getting this on the radio stations. Thanks for all your help in this campaign. 

I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade and I think everything you have all been doing is totally fabulous in terms of showing your love and commitment. At the request of some of you we have made some inquiries and also folks on the forum with radio contacts have provided us with feedback. This is the basic advice we have received.

Radio play is determined by what’s current and folk like lady Gaga , Rihanna etc.,,, are going to get played as they are considered "cool". Susan, along with other singers in her genre – for example Streisand, are far less likely to get radio play.
  1. Phone ins are the most effective way for getting radio play for the songs not on the A list. If a DJ has a phone in request show phone in and ask for your favourite song. 
  2. Emails are reportedly not that effective and if they are long they wont take much notice or worse still they will not get read. Emails are more likely to be read and acted upon they are short and sweet and no more than a line or so.


Corkie You are doing a terrific job and sounds like you are mastering a system for yourself, which is good.

I finally have my procedure down to a system. The lists I am looking at, lists the type of station. For example I type : Radio stations in Massachusetts (link below) Usually it is the top link listed. Then I go down the list and pick Hot 40, Adult C.Album, Oldies, Easy Listening, lite rock and then I look at the station to see if there is any sign of competing singers. If it is a station that plays songs like Susan's, then I look for the "Contact us" and use the emails I find there. I hope this helps others.

I agree with PT. I've been keeping my e-mails and facebook communications very short and to the point. If I don't see any results after about a week, I send them again. I've also been trying to determine which stations are lite, easy listening, adult contemporary, Christian etc., which I think are most apt to be cooperative. I've been eliminating country and hard rock. I also don't say I listen to their station, because most usually I don't.
Reply from Jim Conner Ohio Radio station.
CONNER, JAMES L. to you - 1 hr ago More Details

I do play Silent it!

I replied and will post his station on my "Friendly Radio" list and will now post a tweet.

This was a review posted on the STWOM Album Review on a Canadian radio stations.
And here is a phone number and email address to send to. I just sent an email, how about you sending one to.

Call us: (250) 362-0080

Here's a review from a Canadian radio station.
December 11, 2011 - 3:39pm — john kereiff
“SOMEONE TO WATCH OVER ME” Susan Boyle (Sony/ Syco Music) 4/5
It might surprise those that know me to learn that I have both of Susan Boyle’s albums. A phenomenal singer with a natural gift, this is her second album-third, if we include her Christmas album The Gift- a steadier, more assured work than her first. This is VERY nice stuff.
Like everyone else, I watched her British TV debut on You Tube, blown away by the voice that came out of this frumpy Scottish spinster. Her first album was a sales success, but not an artistic one. I don’t think the songs on that record were very well chosen, her rendition of The Rolling Stones’ Wild Horses beign particularly cringe-worthy- not through any fault of Susan’s, her voice just wasn’t meant for that song.
On Someone To Watch Over Me, the songs seem more carefully chosen, a better match for her voice. Boyle’s take on The Righteous Brothers’ Unchained Melody is destined to become a wedding waltz classic in the years ahead, and it feels like the title track was written just for her, that’s how well it fits.
Susan Boyle’s voice is like a fine instrument, like a violin that must be played by the right hands to reach its fullest expression. I Dreamed A Dream, her 2009 debut, was a faulty and uneven record- it felt like they rushed her into the studio before taking the time to figure out exactly what to do with her gifts. Someone To Watch Over Me is a vast improvement with singer and songs much more compatible. If you’re a fan, consider buying the deluxe version with bonus DVD featuring 4 performances including Perfect Day, which is not on the album. If she keeps this up, music fans will speak her name in the same breath as Streisand.
TOP TRACKS: Unchained Melody, Autumn Leaves, Lilac Wine

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Agneta, wonderful report. I see you are finding out what I am seeing on one radios station after another. I got the same answers as you did "doesn't fit our music profile" Bull! I really don't know how we are going to handle this. This is a major problem, as I stated earlier about the Billboard report. If this attitude continues, I am afraid we are going to get less of Susan's music. Please this is serious. 

You have done a marvelous job on research and contacting radios stations . How do you intend to go on with getting at these stations? It does get discouraging, but we got to get more involved in doing this all over. We can not stop. We need to go to the top, they have the means. 

And this is my report from Sweden.
I studied playlists for about two weeks - no Susan, not even on the special Christmas station - I emailed the music editors of the different radio stations - Sweden is a small country so I think I have found most of them. I got answers like "she might be a good singer with many fans but she doesn't fit our music profile", " many of her songs are very beautiful but are not good for radio play" and there were two who replied that they had played Mad World a few times, also explaining that it is the recording company who suggests one or more tracks which they send to the radio stations, and Mad World is one of those.
So I contacted Sony Sweden and got the answer that "radio stations can be really tricky when it comes to playing songs. Many of them have special radio formats that don't allow any music that doesn't fit their template. P4 is the radio station closest to Susan Boyle's type of music and artistry. The song we have focused on is Mad World.". And as for the Christmas station: "Unfortunately, they are not likely to pick up a song from The Gift a year after release". I was also told that there is one person at Sony Sweden who is only working towards the radio stations. He sends out current singles and songs that we "want to" get played on the radio". I have not yet succeeded in getting him. I'll try again after the holidays. 

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