Thursday, January 12, 2012

Posted 12-17-2011

Graysea, what a whizz kid you are (and/or a little tiger) as you ferret out information about how to get radio play for Susan's CDs. You have my admiration for your determined efforts.
Why thank you Helen. Whizz kid maybe many years ago. Now a very "grounded" senior, who is as high as a kite on this little project. When you think of it, how did we let this get by us. All the fans all over the world now Internet smart because of Susan and we come up against radio not playing her songs. Unbelievable! It is maddening to me when I see the playlists and no Susan. How can that be? Have we let her down? We used to be very verbal when Susan first started out. Fans would stand up for her and tell everyone off. I think this helped Susan. So how did we let this happen. Maybe because we all have CDs that we play around the clock and we don't pay attention to radio, as I do. Then again, you would think that the PTB would want her CDs played. More $$$ for them. They are the ones who let her down, not us. But we can fix it and we are going to.
Marty, I went back again and didn't see it, so I clicked on recent and it came up again. As long as it is on there. I am so glad I got this link. This girl isn't going to get a days rest until I hear everyone tell me they hear Susan on the radio. That is the next big step I am going to take, now that I have this position to call upon. It should be interesting. Wait until I start to tweet her. That should be fun.

Thank you Teri, but a funny thing, I just went back to her Facebook page and my message is not there. I know it posted because I saw it and made sure it was on there. Very funny, but not to me. I guess I will just have to start tweeting her and repaste the message. I will wait a day and see if anything comes back at me. I will watch her site. This is a great lead for me. It opens up all kinds of doors. These media people use Tweeter and Facebook for their purposes and now it is time for us to use it for our purpose. To get radio play for Susan.
A little bit about Ann Marie
So I went to her Facebook page and wrote a little something (see below) Let's see if this brings any results.
Nice title for this lady. How about doing what it implies.

Ann-Marie Thomson, are you aware that many, many radio stations in the USA do not have Susan Boyle's name on their Playlists? As Global Head of Media Syco Entertainment, I was wondering if you would know why this is so. I see all of the singers listed under your title are on the playlists, but Susan is not. Have you noticed this? I am sure you and your group know that Susan is a sensational singer and is known worldwide. Susan also has millions of fans who are wondering why her songs are not being played on the radio stations. Isn't this part of the media promotional work due the stars under the media control? As an ardent fan of Susan, for the past week I have been contacting radio stations in 13 states, asking them to play Susan's music. This is why I know her name is not on their Playlists. I was even told by one of the radio director that it is the star's company/management who should be getting Susan's music on the radio. Can you, as Global Head of Media for Syco, shed some light on this matter. Will you please let me and other fans know why no radio play for Susan. I, and my Susan fans, want to know.
No I am not aware of Ann and if this is the case, it makes me sick. What is happening here? I am telling you all again. Susan's name is not on any playlists I have looked at. Every other artist, including Tony B, Adele, Taylor S,.... every one of them and more....some I have never even heard of are on there. Susan's CD was the second highest seller in 2009. She sure should be on some of these stations by now. It is awful. 

I will go to the sites and ask her outright why the omission. Thank for the information. I will get back

re you aware of Ann-Marie Thomson, global head of media/PR for Syco, etc:!/AnnMariePR

She has a fb page,, and I noticed that in her "like" list she has Leona, Simon, BGT, Adele, Justin Bierber, Cher Lloyd, One Direction, etc etc (and Kobe Bryant and Barack Obama ??) but not Susan. Quite the omission, and perhaps indicative of Syco attitude and interest in Susan.

bibi. I am so ticked off at Sony/Columbia/Simon. I think they are letting her down. When I read that from the director, it confirmed what I had found out. But, I feel we fans need to do something, or we are going to get very little of Susan in the future. Everyone of us should be hounding TPB with the question "WHY NO AIR PLAY ON RADIO FOR SUSAN? HOW CAN WE FANS HELP?

My daughter asked me a funny question today. She wanted to know why Simon has all the contestants on his show sing Susan's songs??????? I don't watch the show, so I haven't paid attention to what songs. Does anyone know?

Well, I intend to keep going. I may slow down within the next few weeks, but I will continue on when I can. I hope everyone is doing at least one station.

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