Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Posted 12/01/11

Good morning all. I am a little late getting started today, but off I am to do some calling. I have a Sony's NY number, which I think will be like bumping my head against the wall. But here goes. 212 833-8000. I'll be back with a report later.
Too many bumps on my head, so here I am back again to report. IT IS BIG BUSINESS THAT WE ARE DEALING WITH! ALL MONEY! 

So my call went through to Sony in NY, after many transfers I final got a voice, a Richard who is a switchboard operator at Sony, he said I had to have a management name (who represented the star) in order for him to connect me. He also gave me Columbia number 212 833 5212 to call. When I called this I got a list of options *#. *4 said leave a message and - I got - can't leave message, box is full. So I press other *#'s and got nowhere. I called Richard back, again I got the same thing from him - he needs a unrepresentative from Susan's management ( I asked what exactly). So there you have it. It is all please wait, please hold, please leave a message. 
I come to the conclusion after reading all the information and talking to people, that is is up to Susan's management (and money paid) to get to these big companies to play her music on "big" radio. There are still the small independent stations.

This is not going to stop me, I am going to continue on for a week. 

With you help, if we do a few a day, we might get radio play for Susan
If I there is a number to call, call it or if you get an email address send one 

If you can post the numbers and email address that you called, it would be a big help. 

Let's do this for one week

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