Thursday, January 12, 2012

Posted 12-23-2011

Dec 13, I sent an email to that station. The one listing her CDs with all the songs (see earlier posts). I have been sending this to all the stations. Below is the correspondence. Do you think that this station and other stations are thinking I am part of her production company????? Unbelievable, but it could be a possibility, because they are all getting the same email listing her CDs. Funny, It would be good to call. Do you want me to call and ask them or should we let this ride and see what happens. I hope the emails are working and these companies are seeing this. Also, I remember getting a message from one of the companies telling me I should not be sending the email to all the stations with all the companies (or something like that) and of course I replied I am trying to reach them all. This is a new development. I think this is going to work. I surely will keep going.

First message:
We have Susan’s Silent Night coming up in the 6P hour. Thanks for the email! Patsy

Second from them, after I said I would add their link to my blog:
We love it we love it we LOVE it! 
I’ll make sure Patsy gets this!

Thanks for listening,

Dave-o Thompson
Official Dude Who Fills-In A Lot

This is my reply to first message:

From: Grace R
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: Susan Boyle Music

Way to go Patsy of WROZ!!! 

I just posted your message on the Susan Boyle Fansite Forum II. They will be happy to hear this. Also posted your station link on my Susan friendly radio station link on my blog

Thank you, Grace

-----Original Message-----
From: WROZ <>
To: 'Grace 

Cac...I am not sure who is in charge and that is why I sent an email to Andy. I am thinking it is Ann-Marie Thomson, Media person for Sony, as Susan is listed with her other artists. I have been tweeting to the following with the hopes they see it and respond. Ann-Marie is on there all the time pushing XFactor, but I don't see anything mentioned for Susan. I am getting advice from other posters of how I should use the radio tweeter's specific address , which I responded to by saying I don't know them and I am trying to reach all radio stations in the US. She did give me one address and of course, I sent off a tweet. I don't know how good that will be, but I got to another person. One of these days, this is all going to click in place. I and others have posted to Ann-Marie's Facebook page a number of times. No response there either. I also told her on one of my tweets that she had some messages on her Facebook page. No answers, yet. Not enough fans are involved yet. But because of the holidays, we have put off our major push until after the first of the year. Then we hope everyone will take to Twitter, Facebook and calling. What ever it takes to get Susan's music played, as routinely as other stars, on local radio stations. A small task, indeed!






Here are a few recent replies. I guess everyone is getting excited and busy for the holidays, so I will join in the fun. Since this is close to XMAS and I have lots to do, I will hold off for a few days to do more states. It is time to make meatballs and cookies. 

Martin, Bobby <> Hide Add to: To Do,
Calendar To: Grace
I am out of the office until Tuesday, December 27th.
Please contact Todd Shuster at 803 343 1097 or if your request is urgent. He'll be happy to help.
Otherwise I will handle your request when I return to the office on the 27th.
Happy Holidays!

From: Touchberry, Tom <> Hide Add to: To Do, Calendar To: Grace
Our offices are closed for Christmas until Tuesday, 12/27. I am out of the office until the afternoon of Thursday, 12/29. If your matter is urgent, please contact Brett Tackett @ 803-343-1018 or on 12/27 or 12/28. Otherwise, I'll respond to all emails on 12/29. Thanks!

Dale Gaertner <> 
WLEN-FM has been playing "Do You Hear What I Hear" and "Silent Night" by
Susan Boyle during the Christmas season.

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